Sunday Gathering Featured Musician ~ One World Spiritual Center
August 7, 2016
11:00 am
Roswell, GA
One World Spiritual Center
1575 Old Alabama Road, #213, Roswell, GA 30076

Join me at One World Spiritual Center for their weekly Sunday Gathering led by Rev. Melanie Eyre with music by me and the One World Band.

Each week I lead the service with opening songs and music for prayer and meditation, plus two feature songs that are typically some flavor of rock (70’s rock, folk-rock, pop-rock, etc.). Plus the One World house band also always opens with some great jazz flavors before the service as well.

House band: Asha Lightbearer, vocals/keys; Tom Olsen keys/vocals;  John Hancotte, bass/guitar/vocals; Bob Schneider, drums.

*One World Spiritual Center is a new thought interfaith spiritual center that honors all paths to God. All are welcome.